Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

ALBATROSS produces the following additional equipment:
  1. Isolated power supplies BPI1, BPI4 - designed to convert AC mains voltage 220 V, 50 Hz to a constant stabilized voltage with galvanic isolation from the power supply.
  2. The KMVEV-3 mounting cable is designed to connect sensors and secondary devices.

All ALBATROS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ALBATROS: automated control systems for oil and gas, chemical, energy, metallurgical and other industries
  • Level sensors, pressure sensors, etc. ALBATROS
    Level sensors, pressure sensors, etc.
    DUU, RDU, UTR, DP, UDOT, etc.
  • Level alarms ALBATROS
    Level alarms
    SUR-5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and others .
  • Petroleum products accounting systems ALBATROS
    Petroleum products accounting systems
    Tank Supervisor, etc.
  • Measuring complexes ALBATROS
    Measuring complexes
    Explosion-proof, etc.
  • Intrinsically safe barriers ALBATROS
    Intrinsically safe barriers
    BIBh, BIBhi, etc.
  • Controllers, secondary devices ALBATROS
    Controllers, secondary devices
    GAMMA, KSM, BSD, etc.
  • Automated control system ALBATROS
    Automated control system
    Gas stations, oil depots, energy, etc.
  • Additional equipment ALBATROS
    Additional equipment
    BPI1, BPI4, cables, etc.


ALBATROS products have been produced for more than 20 years. ALBATROS strives to provide the customer with modern, high-quality and most reliable equipment and in the shortest possible time, constantly improving technology, processes and products. The offered products attract more and more customers every day, who appreciate the company for its high professionalism, efficiency, integrated approach in the design and implementation of automated process control systems, quality assurance of products and services.

    Development and implementation of innovative technologies, control and management of technological processes in various industries since 1994.

    Various microprocessor control units designed for multi-channel measurement and regulation serve as the basis for building technological and commercial accounting systems.

    A full range of turnkey equipment for the creation of automated control systems for enterprises of the oil and gas, chemical, energy, metallurgical and other industries with a minimum of technical means and an unlimited number of functional solutions.

Information Board ALBATROS

Learn more about our products ALBATROS.
  • ALBATROSS Price List завода АЛЬБАТРОС
    ALBATROSS Price List
  • Questionnaire for ordering level alarms на сайте АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for ordering level alarms
  • Questionnaire for ordering intrinsic safety barriers поставщика АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for ordering intrinsic safety barriers
  • Questionnaire for ordering an ultrasonic level sensor поставщика АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for ordering an ultrasonic level sensor
  • Questionnaire for ordering the pressure converter P20 производства АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for ordering the pressure converter P20
  • Questionnaire for the temperature sensor multipoint DTM2 из каталога АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for the temperature sensor multipoint DTM2
  • Questionnaire for the cable radio wave level gauge UTR1 в магазине АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for the cable radio wave level gauge UTR1
  • Questionnaire for the density meter of liquid DP1 от производителя АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for the density meter of liquid DP1
  • Questionnaire for the radio wave level gauge RDU3 марки АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for the radio wave level gauge RDU3
  • Questionnaire for the GAMMA-8MA Controller завода АЛЬБАТРОС
    Questionnaire for the GAMMA-8MA Controller


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